Dr. Thébaud and his colleagues have been awarded two new grants to continue conducting research on cell therapies for lung disease. The first grant of $99,900 is from the Stem Cell Network and will support the testing of umbilical cord blood cells for treating high blood pressure in the lungs in experimental models. Read more here: https://stemcellnetwork.ca/stem-cells/research-trainee-profiles/stem-cells-for-healthier-lungs/

The second grant of $100,000 is from the Ontario Institute for Regenerative Medicine and will support the research necessary to prepare for a clinical trial of umbilical cord stem cell therapy for premature babies. To ensure the success of a clinical trial, the researchers will collect and analyze existing research, interview parents and physicians, calculate whether the treatment is economically viable, and develop a protocol for a clinical trial. If this research is successful, the team hopes to launch a clinical trail in the near future. Read more here: https://oirm.ca/oirm-news-events/ontario-institute-regenerative-medicine-announces-26m-research-funding